Thanks for Joining Fast Newsletters
(If had a previous account, and you're re-subscribing using the same email address, you can use your previous password, or change your password here now.)
Here's Your Next Step...
Click the green button above to submit your contact information, logo, company name, personal photo, etc. to auto-populate your newsletters.
- Go to MY NEWSLETTERS in the menu above to access your newsletters. (Your PRINTED newsletters are available now. Your EMAIL newsletters require configuration before you use them the first time. Don't forget to click the green button before leaving this page.)
- Fresh newsletters are placed on your MY NEWSLETTERS page on the 15th of each month. We recommend that you place a recurring notice on your calendar for the 15th, plus your login details.
- You can log into your account any time by using the log in button on our website home page
- Contact us using the contact form if you need help. There is a learning curve as you "play around" with your newsletters. If you get stuck, need a shoulder to cry on, or have any suggestions, use the contact link on the navigation menu to let us know.